Monday, November 8, 2010

My Day-Monday, Nov 8, 2010

12:01 am: I can be found asleep on the air mattress in the nursery. Zoe (Baby B) is asleep in her crib. Beth is on the couch with Nila (Baby A) either nursing or asleep.
2:26 am: Zoe starts to fuss. Prepare bottle and feed, burp and change Zoe. She spits up and goes back to sleep. I do not spit up or go back to sleep. Thinking. Turn heat off in bedroom.
5:54 am: Squirming baby. Prepare bottle, feed, TRY unsuccessfully to burp. Can't keep her awake to finish bottle. She sleeps lightly and grunts and it is now 6:27 AM. Going to sleep.
7:10 am: Brandon is up and fixing a snack to take to work. I waken and shut the nursery door.
7:24 am: Zoe cries. Change diaper, heat bottle, start feeding. Dogs want to go out. Brandon already left for work, Beth and Nila asleep on couch. Zoe smiles at me. Zoe smiles at the air conditioner. Zoe frowns, grunts and begins her diaper soiling. Doesn't take bottle so it goes back in fridge. Zoe awake in crib, Grandma back on air mattress. It is now 7:57 am.
8:21 am: Wash pan to make oatmeal. I'm dressed and ready to pack for a trip to Warwick to get my winter clothes out of storage and run other errands. Beth and babies will go along so we must do some packing! The car is parked 6 blocks away and must be moved for street sweepers by 9:30 am, so we have a deadline. See you later!