Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Manhattan, Here I Am!

June 1, 2010 was the day that marked the beginning of my life as a true urbanite. I even rode in a taxi TWICE in one evening. ($25) I said goodbye to Nancy, my best friend in Warwick (also my neighbor and landlady), closed the barn doors and drove to NYC with a car packed almost to the roof and two Shelties on top of all the stuff. Poor Mia even ended up sitting on the dishpan filled with a carton of milk and a bag of ice. Ivy was her usual sedate self and just stayed where I put her, even though she looked to be in a pretty uncomfortable position. That ended up being the first sign that she was in trouble. Next paragraph.

A couple of hours after we arrived in the City, Ivy was unable to pass urine and was in obvious distress. She had been diagnosed and was undergoing treatment for bladder stones so I immediately knew that she had a stone blocking her urethra. We went went straight to the neighborhood vet but since it was 8:30 at night, they sent us to an emergency hospital. (Hence the first taxi ride.) To make a long story short, she had surgery to remove the stone and is currently in ICU. She will be moved to recovery tomorrow and will probably be able to come home on Friday or Saturday. You're probably wondering how much this all costs. I won't say, but think 'trip to Europe' including hotels. I took the second taxi ride home from the hospital and was in bed by 2 am. I still haven't finished unloading the car. Maybe someone will steal it!

Today I am napping, thinking about Ivy, the coming grand babies, the past few months in Warwick and the next few years to come. I have even been reliving those two years in Spain. That's a lot to do in one day, so maybe I'll take another nap!

P.S. The picture is an artist's rendition of the view from the roof of my future building. Hopefully, near future!

P.P.S. Ivy is totally worth it!

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The Wrangler said...
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