Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Result of Uncontrolled Passion

If you saw the previous video of Ivy barking at the squirrel, you will want to see how that barking affects her. I have to confine her to the bedroom or tie her to a leash in the front room just to give her a rest. I'm afraid she'll have a heart attack!


The Floydster said...

Poor thing! She just wears herself to a frazzle! She is such a beautiful dog, B!

jan a. said...

Hmmm...maybe you need a bird feeder that the squirrel can steal from in another corner of the yard...or block poor Ivy's view from the door...or get her some kind of therapy.
The owner of a b&b on San Juan said she went to a pet psychic to find out where her 2 cats disappeared to...the first one was taken by "fox" and the second called "fox" to her to be killed so that she could go to be with the first because she knew that her pal would never make it over to "the other side" without her. The four of us almost choked on our breakfast...but I managed to make some sympathetic comments about the loss of her cats.

Kim's Corner said...

Ivy! Ivy! Has she gone through squirrel withdrawal in NYC? That was probably a good break! If she stops panting is when you need to worry!