Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Centering-Where I'm Headed

Hi from Spain! 

     This is to answer the question many of you have asked me, "What are you going to do now?"

Well, I have decided to set up house in Wichita, Kansas. (Seeing green from envy?) Fellow missions workers here in Spain want someone in their home while they are here next school year. I currently have no home. It was a match made in heaven! So, my new home for the coming months of September through May will be in the CENTER of the country. This is good because my family is so spread out over the United States I cannot possibly be near everyone. By living in Wichita I will be fairly equidistant from all of them. Depending on whether you are a glass half-full or a glass half-empty person; it will either be close to everyone or far away from everyone!

Here are some "distance from Wichita" stats:

Bay City, TX (Dad, sister)                           680 miles          10 hrs 40 min
Woodsfield, OH (near cousins)                  977 miles          15 hrs 11 min
Cleveland, OH (aunt, uncle, cousin)          992 miles          15 hrs 15 min
New York, NY (kids & grandsons)          1,398 miles          22 hrs
Santa Monica, CA (kids)                           1,504 miles          21 hrs 21 min
Bellevue, WA (Ian, sister)                        1,834 miles          26 hours

Frankly, now that I look at it, it's a little depressing. (Maybe I shouldn't have looked up those stats.) However, when I think of Wichita I think STEAK, clean environment, good people and a highly rated city in which to live. So I'm looking forward to the experience and to the new people I will meet. And, I will get to continue some friendships I have made here in Spain. Besides, I love people from the Midwest. (I sorta' am one, yea Beautiful Ohio!)

The plus side is that if I drive to see family and you live on one of those routes, I will stop and say hello. Well, that's a plus for me, at least. Hope to see you soon!


Anonymous said...

i'm 26 hours away? I hope you can make it that far =p


The Wrangler said...

I love you, Leon!

Unknown said...

There are planes too you know! :)

Its the perfect place to launch the next chapter. What a blessing!

The Jackson Family said...

You should call Ivy "Toto" for the next year and wear your hair in Dorothy braids. Maybe God is calling you to be a missionary to the Munchkins?