Sunday, August 9, 2009


It may not seem like it at first, but this is a video.

We are staying at my dad's in Texas and the rancher who owns the land behind Dad's house just moved his cows to this pasture. This is the first time Mia has seen them. She stood like this, even giving me time to fetch my camera, and didn't move a muscle until I walked toward the cows. We also have a resident toad at our back door; we've named him Prince. Since toads are toxic to dogs I keep them apart, but on the occasion they meet, Mia just watches Prince hop and wonders what she has found. Ivy sticks to squirrels-and sometimes cows if a window or fence separates her from them.

In the first picture, Mia puts her nose through the fence to get a really good whiff...
She then looks at me, as if to ask how did those "squirrels" get so big and what should she do about it!

This post is dedicated to Brandon and Beth, who are being cruelly forced to live in a foreign country for 8 months!