Sunday, June 15, 2008

Posting and Packing and Taking Care of my Ant Problem

Actually, I don't have an ant problem but SOMEONE does!

Greetings everyone and blessings on your heads. You are all so dear to me! Even though I am not a good writer or blogger-I think of you all often and treasure your love and friendship.

My former blog was a "paid" subscription with Apple which I was given when I bought my computer. Well, the subscription runs out in 5 days and I am not renewing as it is a little expensive. This is my new blog and my only email address is now Don't write to me at the address.

Yes, I am packing to return to the states sometime in August. With every item I stow in a suitcase my heart feels a twinge and I wonder if I am doing the right thing. I have loved being here but I also miss my family and have some things I need to attend to before I decide what to do next. There is a possibility I will return to Spain but I not sure about that yet.

Yes, my alias "The Wrangler" continues to be appropriate as I don't yet know what I will be doing when I return. I only know what I WON'T be doing. I don't think I will be settling back in Duvall, Washington (at least for the moment) and I know I won't teach next year unless it is simply substitute teaching. I am taking a sabbatical while I search for my next adventure and maybe take a few fun classes. The summer here in Spain will be filled with teaching Vacation Bible School at Immanuel Baptist Church, working a little at jobs around the school, and taking some day trips to places I haven't seen around Madrid. I also need to finish packing, sell some stuff and paint my apartment for the next person. So you see I'll be busy. It isn't all work though as Beth and Brandon are treating me to a one-week, mother-daughter walking tour of the western shore of Ireland. They got the trip at a charity auction and I get to go if I can get myself up to the Emerald Isle. I am so excited, not only for the trip but to spend some time with Beth, my incredible daughter.

Ivy has had her hair cut short (to the skin) for the summer heat and to enhance the possibility of riding inside the plane with me when we go home. She looks much smaller without all that hair. She really enjoys our balcony now that summer is here and she can sit out there and warn people not to come into our apartment as they walk by. There are no less than eight Yorkshire terriers on our street and they and Ivy have a continuous conversation when they are all out. I am proud to say Ivy is quieter than the terriers, however she does get in her two cents.

For those of you who haven't heard, Matt is engaged to Kelli Seley, a wonderful girl from Bellevue who now works in the Los Angeles area. They will be married in Los Angeles on September 20. (Another reason I'm going home.) We are all so excited and happy to welcome her to the family. No one is complaining about a trip to LA either! Matt is still modeling but is phasing out as he develops his career in real estate. He works for Sotheby's International in Beverly Hills. Needless to say, I will not be buying a house from him! A little out of my price range.

Ian completed his internship at Oak Hills, San Antonio, Texas this summer and is now the youth minister at Eastside Christian Fellowship in the Seattle area. He is living with his dad, driving his dad's extra car, and hoping to save enough money to invest in a house. I am so proud of him, he is such a great man and committed Christian.

Jason and Allison have two boys now, Levi (4) and Zeke (almost 1) who are really the cutest and smartest kids ever. I'm not just saying that because they are my grandsons-they REALLY ARE! Allison and Jason are my heros as she has been working to get her master's degree and he has been an incredible support for her. Having two little ones, being youth ministers (yes, if he is a youth minister then his wife is, too), and going to school is a busier life than I can even imagine.

Brandon and Beth have gotten to travel this past year-almost too much! They visited me in Spain but also have done some traveling to Great Britain and the Netherlands for his job at the New York Stock Exchange. He finished his MBA at NYU and has developed some financial courses for their Bible class and for the at-risk kids involved with Shiloh. He has also been installed on the board of Shiloh and is a great help to that organization. If you don't know what Shiloh is, go to their website at Jason was director for several years, all my kids have worked there as counselors, Allison has worked for them, I have worked there as laundry director : ) and 'mom' for the homesick, and my two nieces have also been counselors there. (One is there this summer.) It is something our family is very excited about.

Well, this is rather long so I will sign off.  I send my love and ask for your prayers as I prepare to leave Spain and some very wonderful friends. Knowing I am returning to family and some more wonderful friends is a comfort and an exciting thought. I hope to see all of you sometime in the next year.

Love,  The Wrangler, aka Bobbi